You’re invited to SF Bay FFRF’s events for February:

RAISING A SUPERHERO – Program Sun. Feb. 23, 2:00 pm at the SF Public Library, Downtown Main Branch; social hour starts at 12:30. Our speaker will be Wayne Maines, champion for protecting transgender children from religiously motivated oppression.
Come early from 12:30 for socializing. Bring your own lunch if you like; water will be provided. Map, full details and optional RSVP here.

Monthly Social Lunch for FFRF members and friends – Sun. Feb. 16 at noon; this month in San Jose: San Pedro Square Market, 87 N San Pedro St. Near public transportation; parking garage across the street. Map and full details here. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by Thursday, February 13th to Hope to see you there!

We’d like to do a lunch in your neighborhood! Email with your suggestion for a restaurant near parking and transportation that can accommodate up to 20 people.

Stop by at our periodic card tables at Palo Alto Farmers Market and elsewhere in the Bay Area – or volunteer to help out. Email for the current schedule or to get on the tabling email list. Or check our calendar periodically.

Meet other FFRF Bay Area members at our monthly Zoom Chat, the second Monday of each month. Link and details here.

And keep up on our future events by joining the SF Bay Chapter (free to FFRF members) or just getting on our email list.

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