BART Poster Campaign

Our chapter was formed to promote separation of church and state, and to give FFRF a local presence. We are about to advance both of those goals by displaying this poster in the Embarcadero BART station:

Several members created this poster, with help from national FFRF. The photo was taken at the event with FFRF Co-President Dan Barker last September.

Chapter members have donated the cost of printing and displaying the poster for the first month. Support for this and future chapter projects can be donated through national FFRF by entering “SF Bay Chapter BART Poster” at the bottom of the donation form under Comments/instructions.

But the first and best way to support us is to join our Chapter and national FFRF. Learn more by clicking Join Us at the top of this page.

Thank you!!

SF Bay FFRF Chapter Organizing Committee

Page updated August 17, 2023

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